Plugged in

Saw Deepak Chopra on answering the question, “How do I tell if I’m plugged into spirit?” Well, according to Chopra, it’s how you answer these questions that determines it: 1. Is my life easy? Effortless? Full of grace?...

Intersecting wisdom

Today I see some connection between my ongoing reading of the Tao Te Ching via Wayne Dyer’s book and the card I selected from my Ask and It Is Given deck. I have been dwelling on the 33rd verse, which Dyer calls “Living Self-Mastery,” for a while...

Pretty woman

I haven’t seen Valerie Bertinelli’s book, but I have seen her being interviewed and I have a lot of respect for her. She was compelled to tell the truth. While I don’t think airing dirty laundry is necessary in many cases — even in this one...


Talked to my former college journalism professor today. He’s retired now and I felt like connecting. It was good to hear his voice and to hear what’s happening in his life. Even now I feel the ripple effects of his confidence in my talent. An amazing...

Joining the awakening

If you are not spending all of your waking life in discontent, worry, anxiety, depression, despair, or consumed by other negative states; if you are able to enjoy simple things like listening to the sound of the rain or the wind; if you can see the beauty of clouds...