Banning Merriam-Webster?

So happy to see cooler heads prevailed in a school district in Southern California. It seems Menifee Union banned Webster’s Dictionary in fourth  and fifth grade classrooms after a parent complained of a child reading the definition of ‘oral sex.’...

Channeling art

Saw my friend and poet, James Nave, on Friday and he “channeled” this poem right on the spot from a necklace I was wearing, a treasure I picked up in a flea market in Rome. Tears do not know their names. They fall because they must. Dreams swallow air,...

Life’s wreckage

Somehow, as I watched George Clooney’s character in Up in the Air do his work laying off people, images of the disaster in Haiti flashed into my mind. It all came pouring out in today’s Game Plan — Emerging from Life’s Wreckage.

Against Hesitation

The beginning part of this poem by Charles Rafferty is in the February issue of O, The Oprah Magazine. Loved it enough to find the whole thing: AGAINST HESITATION If you stare at it long enough the mountain becomes unclimbable. Tally it up. How much time have you...

Working my way to hopeful

A multi-lingual friend who has been watching international news coverage of the earthquake in Haiti glowed with optimism about humanity when I saw him at a recent social occasion. “It makes me hopeful,” he said. I think I’m jealous. Most who know me would agree I can...