Write stuff

I tend to think things happen for a reason, so when I went to grab a booth at a local cafe and the nice elderly gentleman vacating it offered me his newspapers I said yes. This, despite my vow to spend most of December politics and sports free. (While sports offer...

Lemonade from lemons

After attending a spirituality discussion group at the Symposia Bookstore last week and then reading an op-ed piece in The New York Times last Sunday entitled “The Ponzi Schemer Who Changed My Life” by Michael Kubin, I heard a resounding theme....

An ornament and miracles

One of the most wonderful things to come out of a financial setback eight years ago has been my (slow!) process in seeing it as an opportunity for growth. Perhaps most significantly, I’ve learned to appreciate more in the everyday and see beauty and miracles...

On eating well

So happy to see First Lady Michelle Obama out in front on nutrition and the passage of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act in the House. The juxtaposition of that with the latest news from the Weight Watchers’ camp regarding its infamous point system painted an...

Once upon a time

A few conversations about the upcoming royal wedding and the priority it took over “real” news the last few weeks prompted me to explore why I found it so deeply annoying. A little help from the channel Wedding Central and I was off and running....