Inner Course

Oh yeah. You’ve got to love New York. Today, feeling a little fraught but open, I was in desperate need of doing something very much outside my comfort zone. Just a few days ago my friend Chuck — who is prone to introduce me to some of the grittier,...


Amidst the hater mail today re: my Game Plan column called “Our Lack of Empathy for Addiction” came this: Nancy, I thank you for your article “Our lack of empathy on addiction”. My loved one is in recovery and it is true, all you hear is...

Our lack of empathy for addiction

It had been working on me for days that people in this country seem either deeply engaged in food issues or completely lacking in understanding of them. So after I began writing about my own experiences with food addiction, news of the death of singer Amy Winehouse...

Black magic

I’ve had better days, so I decided to celebrate my body becoming healthier and more streamlined with a bit of retail magic. Check out my new Riller & Fount Princess Dress:

More on introversion

In my ongoing fascination with realizing not just that I am an introvert, but far from alone in it, articles on the subject keep appearing on my radar.  This Psychology Today piece is called “Revenge of the Introvert” and it’s by Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D....