Unloading a Heap of Freight

I recently told a medium that I hate sounding like one of those annoying people whose ship is always coming in, but I feel like I’m on the brink of something. Here’s his response: “Your ship is already in. You need to take the freight off.” As Joey Tribbiani might...

Anatomy of a transition

GAME PLAN: First comes the shock, right? Bam. There’s change. Not change you initiated, but change that feels like it’s been foisted on you. I have come to learn for me that’s ultimately the best kind. Emphasis here on ultimately. It’s rarely clear immediately that...

Writers writing

Without question, one of the things I most wanted to do when I visited Paris was sit in a cafe and write. Sure, flip through Vogue, too, but mostly journal with a cup of coffee. It’s one of the highlights of almost every day of my life, so an exotic or foreign...

Foggy to clear

When I woke up this morning, I knew this: I was suffering some kind of setback with my knee and I was afraid to find out what the orthopedist would say when I visited him at 4 p.m. About three weeks ago, feeling on a healing upswing, I disembarked from a very late...