Cycling through

Just kind of been sitting back letting this Lance Armstrong stuff sink in as it somehow culminates with his Oprah Winfrey interview. I wrote this before the interview aired. Something sent me to my bookshelf and The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I guess you...

The power of our words

Undoubtedly because I’m a writer, the word is more precious to me than it is to some. Perhaps that’s why the first of Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements resonates with me so: Be impeccable with your word. With that in mind, I’ve assembled...

Taking on ‘The Fifth Agreement’

Being in the company recently of authors Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz in New Mexico at Conversation Among Masters (CAM), a coaching conference, was extraordinary. I had read The Fifth Agreement on the plane en route and its wisdom colored my entire trip....