How does that song go? Signs, signs, everywhere are signs — is that it? Methinks it is.
Here’s what I have manifested today. I walked to a cafe to meet a member of my networking group for coffee this morning. A feather blew into my path. I smiled and picked it up. Hours later, I was heading to a photocopy store on the same block. There, on the ground, was another feather. I was compelled to pick it up.
I wrote about this happening to me several months ago. As a writer, I love what feathers represent or perhaps what they conjure up for me. Quills. Bottles of ink. Fine old writing. Such beauty of expression.
All I know is this. The mantra playing in my head today because of these two feathers was once again, “Write, Nancy, write.”
Hmmmmm. Is there a pattern here? How does the song go? Can’t you read the signs??????