I just came out of a nasty headache fog. The kind that hurts in your ears and teeth. Translated, that means I took two Excedrin and I’m in a state of extreme energy. Caffeine will do that to you.
And so I suddenly was thinking about manifestation and how we bring about desired results in our lives. And, don’t ask me why, but I had the urge to go to my closet and get out all of my collages. You see, when I teach The Artist’s Way I always join the group in creating a collage representing where we are at the time, what appeals to us, etc. I found a dozen of them and started checking them out.
One of the prevailing themes is travel, specifically to France. There’s a Jean Paul Gaultier ad showing a woman in a backless dress with Paris written down her back. There are Eiffel Towers. There is a map of France. There are headlines — Paris Bistros: The Hot New Chefs; The Paris Option. There is simply the word Paris. There is a picture of a travel guide to Paris. There are cafes and gardens and fashion. There are rooms decorated with French flair.
It’s madness, I tell you. Pure madness.
Stay tuned …