Always, always a rush to get a byline. I’ve had hundreds of them, yet each new one gives me a special high. As of this writing, an essay I wrote about my spiritual journey leads
This one is personal and dear to my heart. After my first draft was submitted, an insightful editor sent it back with probing questions. Once the initial shock wore off, a dear friend pushed me to dig deep and answer those questions from a soul level.
I’m proud of the result.
Very interesting article, Nancy. Plenty of food for thought there for me!
Yes, as ‘just me’ said, it’s a very interesting article, Nancy. I have a question for you, regarding your article on BeliefNet, where you stated, “I will not go to hell for living a positive, purpose-filled life in which I take responsibility for my actions. In fact, the concepts of heaven and hell now seem contrived and man-made to me.”
My question: If heaven and hell seem contrived and man-made to you, what do you think of the concept of our ‘spirit’, or ‘soul’, and what do you think happens to it/us when we die? This inquiring mind wants to know. 🙂