by Nancy Colasurdo | Jun 30, 2006 | Write Thinking
My latest fascination is this new form of telemarketing that seems to be all the rage. The messages on my voice mail always go something like this (insert chummy, upbeat tone here):”Hey guys, sorry I didn’t catch you in. I’m going to leave a message...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jun 29, 2006 | Write Thinking
My day was filled, it seems, with people venturing into new beginnings. I love how naturally attracted I am to these kinds of people and vice versa.Lunch with one. A client session with another. A phone call with yet another. Their excitement is palpable, contagious...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jun 28, 2006 | Write Thinking
Some things that inspire me:– Really good turn of phrase. From Jazz by Toni Morrison, which I just finished reading:I want to be in a place already made for me, both snug and wide open. With a doorway never needing to be closed, a view slanted for light and...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jun 26, 2006 | Write Thinking
I think it’s safe to say I’ve had a good writing session when I’m laughing out loud at my own jokes, jokes that feel like they’re channeling through me as the dialogue pours onto the page.My writer is happy today.
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jun 25, 2006 | Write Thinking
Again I am laughing at reaction to The DaVinci Code. Caught a documentary about decoding the book and all these scholars are lined up to disprove statements in it.So let me get this straight. James Frey was nailed to the cross for calling his memoir fact instead of...