Me and my writer

It was special to talk to a dear friend about my writing tonight. About its content, its message, its potential.The writer in me is rumbling right now, getting ready to settle in and work some magic.It’s so cool.

Fairy tale

It’s Halloween. Maybe my doorbell will ring, only to reveal Prince Charming in all his glory. Hmmmm. Maybe I should have dressed up as a Princess, complete with gown and upswept hair. That is how you manifest a Prince.


I have fed two days worth of nasty headaches with Excedrin and homemade soup and fresh produce. Drugs mixed with nature’s medicine.It worked.


Probably the most powerful memory I will carry from the “Italians in the Arts” event at Rutgers is the sound of poet Maria Mazziotti Gillan’s booming voice. She writes about the experience of growing up Italian-American and her words resonate with...