One of the meaningful things I took away from my dates with The Professor was the joy of simple touch.
It’s underrated.
on November 17, 2007 at 12:15 pm
In October I decided that this year I would manifest my soul mate by deliberate creation so that we could celebrate together this New Years. I made a mind movie and I enjoyed the fantasy everyday for over a month.
Last week, as I continued to study, study, study the law of attraction and ultimately the law of detachment, I realized that I AM my soulmate.
I am everything that I would ever want in a mate, except for financially secure. I also realized that all of those feelings that I desired from a relationship, the “I’m special”, “I have a life partner” “I’m beautiful” “I support you” all of the emotions that I felt would come as a result of my divine relationship– well, I already experience those emotions as a result of my friendships and relationship with my family.
Maybe all this manifesting helped me to realize that I don’t really NEED what I’m manifesting. I already have it right now, its just not in a man form. I’m cool where I am right now.
Nancy Colasurdo
on November 18, 2007 at 9:16 pm
Dear Anonymous —
Thank you for this. It really resonates with me because I am so often conflicted about the fine line between manifesting and trying too hard.
I find writing this blog — along with an online dating service that takes a passive approach — to be a way to stay connected to that part of me that welcomes a healthy relationship with a man. Too often I push that away.
Comments like yours remind me that I also do this to receive wisdom from others.
on November 20, 2007 at 11:37 am
Don’t ever think you are trying to hard. As long as your actions are rooted in joyful expectancy, excitement and pleasure then you are on the right track.
It is when your actions are fueled by insecurity, anxiety and fear that you are “trying too hard”. Nothing good comes from taking anxious action toward a goal.
As long as you are truly happy doing your manifestations, you are going to get what you want!
Bless you!
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In October I decided that this year I would manifest my soul mate by deliberate creation so that we could celebrate together this New Years. I made a mind movie and I enjoyed the fantasy everyday for over a month.
Last week, as I continued to study, study, study the law of attraction and ultimately the law of detachment, I realized that I AM my soulmate.
I am everything that I would ever want in a mate, except for financially secure. I also realized that all of those feelings that I desired from a relationship, the “I’m special”, “I have a life partner” “I’m beautiful” “I support you” all of the emotions that I felt would come as a result of my divine relationship– well, I already experience those emotions as a result of my friendships and relationship with my family.
Maybe all this manifesting helped me to realize that I don’t really NEED what I’m manifesting. I already have it right now, its just not in a man form. I’m cool where I am right now.
Dear Anonymous —
Thank you for this. It really resonates with me because I am so often conflicted about the fine line between manifesting and trying too hard.
I find writing this blog — along with an online dating service that takes a passive approach — to be a way to stay connected to that part of me that welcomes a healthy relationship with a man. Too often I push that away.
Comments like yours remind me that I also do this to receive wisdom from others.
Don’t ever think you are trying to hard. As long as your actions are rooted in joyful expectancy, excitement and pleasure then you are on the right track.
It is when your actions are fueled by insecurity, anxiety and fear that you are “trying too hard”. Nothing good comes from taking anxious action toward a goal.
As long as you are truly happy doing your manifestations, you are going to get what you want!
Bless you!