When I opened up Wayne Dyer’s book on the Tao Te Ching to begin a new verse today, these words in the table of contents leapt off the page: Living By Your Inner Light (verse 27). Here it is: http://www.taoteching.org/chapters/27.htm.
All week long I have felt lit from within. My life coaching has been by instinct, from the heart and very effective. Three consultations have led to three clients. I have the Midas touch. It’s a joy.
But Dyer takes it to a whole new level in his essay about this verse when he writes, “Try on the view that you’re here to teach yourself and others in some way, and that the work is to raise the collective energy of our entire universe. Cultivate your awareness of the inner light that’s within all. Be the Tao!”
A call to awareness. Nice.