I have landed back in Hoboken, but not before my car service guy hit another car in the Newark Airport parking lot — an attorney in a Mercedes. An hour-long production ensued, of course, but blessedly no one was injured.
It feels good to be back, but what a trip it was. Inspiring speakers, beauty all around, good food. But most significantly, I feel I was divinely sent to Asheville to make soul connections with a very special group of women I met on my first night there. Seven of us had put our names to the signup sheet to eat in a downtown restaurant called Sugo. It was as it was supposed to be and it set the tone for a special experience.
Yesterday’s conversation with Martha Beck was wonderful, transformative even. The energy in the room was so warm. A funny thing happened to me in the beginning. We were all sitting in rockers in a big semi-circle around Martha. She began talking and I had my pen and pad poised for note-taking. Then I got this tickle in my throat and it was persisting enough where I knew it would escalate. I was in the front row! So I got up and grabbed a glass of water and sat back down. Since I was holding the glass, I abandoned the pen and paper. Then the message hit me. Just be with this conversation, Nancy. Don’t start writing and miss half of what’s said. Be with it. Experience it, right now.
So powerful. And topping it off with lunch on the Sunset Patio with my newfound friends made it all the more so.
I will be feeling the ripple effects of this “Conversation Among Masters” for a long time. I have already signed on for next year.
I am filled with gratitude.
That’s excellent-so happy to “read” about your wonderful experience! It was precisely what I felt this evening after “discovering” you via a Coaching Commons link. I’m grateful for the inspiration that I gained from reading several of your articles tonight. Thank You!
I’ve earmarked your blog and look forward to knowing you even more through your writing!
What a wonderful comment! I so appreciate your thoughts. It’s especially a pleasure to make a connection to another coach 🙂
Thanks so much. It is a pleasure to make a connection with you too.
I truly am jazzed about reading and learning more from you. 🙂
(Goodness, I just used the word “jazzed!” haha)