After spending a year writing Game Plan columns featuring all kinds of interesting and inspiring people, I decided to tap them for creative, meaningful gift ideas for my readers. The result was this wonderful compilation from Maureen Skea, Beth Sarre, Mary Tafuri, Gretchen Neels, Maggie Mistal, Mary Carlomagno, Stacy Morganstern Igel, Amy Sewell, Susan Toffler and Kathi Carlson:
“I don't know why it took me so long, but I found your blog today ... Thanks for expressing your thoughts clearly and authentically. And thanks for wading out into new waters and encouraging me to do the same. It was a refreshing start this morning.”
"I get so much support from your writings - that's why I usually save them for evening reading, when it's quiet and I can think ..."
"Your column changed my life today ... [it] helps me jump into one of my opportunities today with renewed joy."