After receiving some interesting response on my Game Plan column on inspiration and Barack Obama earlier this week, I decided to go a little deeper in Drilling Down on Inspiration. There’s a bit of Nancy Drew, Steven Spielberg and even heroic pilot Chesley Sullenberger in this one.
I love reader feedback! Even that inspires me …
I stumbled upon your article about emotional intelligence. I, too, wish people would ‘put away childish ways.’ Furthermore, I do appreciate your attributing that quote to 1 Corinthians. However, that’s where your logic and call, with regard to this particular subject ends, in my opinion.
The person who wrote those words was St. Paul, who actually lived them, unlike Mr. Obama, who said this week or last that everyone in Congress, and by extension, all of us, need to go along with his policies because he won. In my view, that smacks of childishness in the extreme. One could even say it sounded like the emotions and words of a bully.
I’ve read and studied St. Paul at length and listened to and read Mr. Obama’s rhetoric for over a year. When you call for people to actually live the words of St. Paul, which you do in the next to last paragraph of your article, attribute that call to the person who wrote and lived them. Barack Obama is no St. Paul, Madam.
At best, the Sanhedrin (oops, jury) is still out on Mr. Obama’s emotional intelligence. The election made Mr. Obama President for four years; he was not elected the High Priest.
I could not disagree with you more.
Thank you for writing.