One moment talking about Johnny Depp’s generous tip at a Chicago steakhouse led me to a whole Game Plan column about appreciation. How about showing some, especially in this economy, and even Paying Appreciation Forward?
“I don't know why it took me so long, but I found your blog today ... Thanks for expressing your thoughts clearly and authentically. And thanks for wading out into new waters and encouraging me to do the same. It was a refreshing start this morning.”
"I get so much support from your writings - that's why I usually save them for evening reading, when it's quiet and I can think ..."
"Your column changed my life today ... [it] helps me jump into one of my opportunities today with renewed joy."
Love this post. I’m always perplexed (like you, perhaps, more so everyday) by the fact that people just can’t appreciate and celebrate generosity, graciousness or the success of others.
Thanks, Todd. I so hope it touches some people who are ready to come over to the other side with us.