by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 29, 2009 | Write Thinking
Back in Hoboken after a fun Thanksgiving weekend, during which a new Game Plan column ran: One Life Coach’s Gratitude List. What an enjoyable few days away. Thanksgiving was about plenty of good food and really relaxing with family. Friday was filled with early...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 25, 2009 | Write Thinking
Commenting on his controversial performance on the American Music Awards: I’m not a babysitter, I’m a performer. –Adam Lambert on CBS’ Early Show
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 25, 2009 | Write Thinking
My cousin Kim emailed with a suggested column topic for Thanksgiving and it spoke to me, although I had to give it a bit of a ‘Nancy’ twist. So, in that spirit, How About Some Gratitude for Retailers?
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 23, 2009 | Write Thinking
Leave it to The New York Times’ David Carr to write a spot-on piece about Oprah Winfrey instead of the usual drivel about how she brainwashes American women: A Triumph of Avoiding the Traps My fave passage: And let’s not forget that just when tabloid television...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 22, 2009 | Write Thinking
The following brought to mind something Dennis Miller said about Jim Bakker many years ago to the effect of, “Even God is looking down and going, ‘I can’t believe this asshole is on my team.'” Free Republic — Life Coaching Carrie...