Love to write columns. Love to get feedback. Always have. Shows people are paying attention, engaging, and feeling inspired enough to write. Back in my sports writing days, a guy sent me a homemade cassette tape with “The Bitch is Back” and other loving songs on it. Good times.
That said, my recent piece based on The Shriver Report — Thoughts on Women in the Workplace — elicited some “interesting” responses:
Another perfect reason why women should just stay at home. Worthless article pointing out the obvious: women’s job = raising kids, keeping a house. man’s job = working, making money. When will people get it?
Just goes to show you you don’t want women with their finger on the nuke button. Could have a bad hair day for all of us …
Love the feedback. Yes I do.
Interesting. And here I thought all the Neanderthals had died out thousands of years ago.