No one, anywhere, is saying what Barbara Ehrenreich is saying about recent issues in the news regarding women’s health care. So refreshing: Slap on a Pink Ribbon, Call It a Day.
And the next time I get a jolt from a cruel commenter to my own columns, I’ll remember this little shot given to the seasoned, steadfast Ehrenreich on her latest piece: ” … you’re a radical. A cold-blooded, utilitarian, megalomaniacal, baby-killing radical.”
Ain’t the Internet grand?
LOVE that Barbara Ehrenreich. The person that wrote about her has left 70 letters and all it takes is a quick scan of a few to get that they all share the same general tone. Oye, these conservatives are so mean-spirited. Ouch! Irrational beasts. Yes, I’m name calling. 😉 My sister is having some breast lump issues and i pray that she can listen to her body and intuition and stay out of the hysteria. Why are the treatments so harsh? What are the environmental triggers?
She’s so inspiring.
That’s dragon fire right there!