by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 30, 2012 | Write Thinking
A friend on Facebook recently commented that I had a good attitude through all that’s been going on in relation to the storm. It stirred up memories of how not-so-gracefully I’ve handed things in the past and made me grateful I’ve learned better....
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 28, 2012 | Write Thinking
Life of Pi is one of my favorite books. It wasn’t just the story and the message. When I picked it up initially, I almost put it down because it wasn’t holding my interest. But I persisted. Several people I really trusted had recommended it. And my reward...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 28, 2012 | Write Thinking
Regular readers of this space may have noticed I haven’t been updating things here. For over two weeks I’ve been living outside of my home due to no heat or hot water (backordered parts due to Hurricane Sandy). So I was working from an iPad in that span...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 16, 2012 | Write Thinking
While we continue to see details unfold (unravel?) in the General Petraeus scandal, I feel more and more unfazed. Some thoughts from a life coaching standpoint here. Today’s Game Plan: A Flawed Leader as Mirror
by Nancy Colasurdo | Nov 14, 2012 | Write Thinking
Anyone who knows me well knows I tend to extract lessons from most things. It’s probably annoying sometimes, but overall I’m proud of this trait and what it has brought into my life and subsequently to others. Hurricane Sandy, which I’m sure much of...