by Nancy Colasurdo | Apr 26, 2009 | Write Thinking
Bea Arthur has died of cancer at age 86. To thank this queen of the one-liner for the laughter doesn’t seem adequate. I enjoyed her body of work — and feel fortunate to have seen her one-woman show on Broadway — but The Golden Girls remains a...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Apr 26, 2009 | Write Thinking
So cool to see my friend Kathi Carlson tonight in a Hudson Theatre Ensemble production of Comic Potential. What a hoot she was as a mother (a weeper!) and a farmer’s wife (sort of hillbilly). Love to see my friends’ creativity at work. Terrific...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Apr 24, 2009 | Write Thinking
Let me be blunt. I didn’t expect to be inspired by Countess LuAnn de Lesseps of The Real Housewives of New York City when I took a gig to interview her at a French Institute Alliance Francaise event this week. But I was. Here’s the Game Plan lowdown on my...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Apr 23, 2009 | The Universal Flow
This evening is like a sweet respite in a wound-up week. It’s kind of like stopping after giving your all in a sprint. Yes, that’s it. It’s like breath. Until the next exhilarating sprint.
by Nancy Colasurdo | Apr 22, 2009 | Write Thinking
A pattern becomes a column. Simple, really. All the videos people were sending me the last few weeks (thanks, by the way), plus a few I found myself, have been so uplifting that I decided to write about it in Game Plan. Without further adieu, YouTube Presents the...