by Nancy Colasurdo | Aug 8, 2011 | The Universal Flow
Today’s message delivered to my mailbox from The Universe a.k.a. Never regret love, Nancy. No matter how blind, it improved your world view. No matter how foolish, it made you wiser. And no matter how generous, it made you more. Hubba, hubba, The...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Aug 7, 2011 | The Universal Flow
by Nancy Colasurdo | Aug 2, 2011 | The Universal Flow
Two quotes from my reading in The Lessons of St. Francis by John Michael Talbot spoke to me today. Both are inserted into the text by the author, but are attributed to others: I’ve realized it’s possible to fall into the trap of thinking a life of...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Aug 1, 2011 | The Universal Flow
According to A Course in Miracles, relationships are “assignments,” in which people are brought together for maximal and mutual growth opportunity. Our relationships can be trips to heaven or trips to hell, depending on how we ourselves choose to interact...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 30, 2011 | The Universal Flow
Dear Universe — I get you loud and clear this week, OK? I have a pattern. I need to break it. Did you need to bring me face to face with two past mistakes to hammer the point home the last couple of days? Sheesh. Warm regards, Nancy
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 30, 2011 | The Universal Flow
Another moment in my ongoing vibe with St. Francis of Assisi. Yesterday afternoon I went to the waterfront with a new book that my friend Diane had sent me — The Lessons of St. Francis by John Michael Talbot with Steve Rabey. There was a mellow breeze and I...