A good day all-around:

I got a new client this evening. I really like her and I’m excited about working with her. But what’s really cool is how she came to me. A psychic told her to hire a life coach. So she Google-d and found me!

On my rides to and from work, I was treated to wonderful poetry courtesy of Barnes and Noble posters on the subway. Emily Dickinson on the way in, Percy Bysshe Shelley on the way back. Love that. Makes it worth being a strap-hanger.

Received a bunch of gratifying email responses to my monthly coaching newsletter. The highlight was from my cousin, Joe, who wrote me a note so poignant it brought tears to my eyes. It made me feel very fortunate, very abundant.

I feel like I’m getting signs galore that this short-term job at the senior center was meant as a motivator, a message to reinvigorate my coaching practice. And it’s working! Things feel like they’re getting in step. Suffice, to say, if I knew how to do a cartwheel, I’d be doing one right now.

That’s all.