by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 25, 2006 | Write Thinking
The Julia Cameron memoir continues to grip and inspire me. How often does one get that combination?One thing I am particularly fascinated with in the book involves the writing process. After getting sober, she was scared of losing her writing identity. So among the...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 24, 2006 | Write Thinking
Last night I just had to tune in to TLC’s new show called The Messengers. The premise is that they begin with 10 strong public speakers, put them in a really trying scenario, give them a topic and then they have to speak on that topic in front of a studio...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 23, 2006 | Write Thinking
— I walk out the door to go to the gym this morning and find (could it be?) a chill in the air.– The guy collecting trash along the town’s sidewalks has on his cart a backpack with a picture of a woman in a French maid’s outfit. I’m...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 22, 2006 | Write Thinking
Francesca worked magic on my hair today. It is soft and silky and dark brown. It has movement. Amazing what this does for one’s psyche. I feel like I could do a hair commercial. Because I’m worth it.The salon is called Genesis. Nice touch.
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 21, 2006 | Write Thinking
I am working with a lot of people who want coaching around writing lately. The more I do it, the more I realize how much I love it and how naturally it comes to me. It’s a niche I didn’t really need to carve — it just showed itself in the clients...