So I’m watching Oprah and Gayle’s Big Adventure today and laughing like a hyena. I realized that whether they’re happy or sad, I shed more tears while watching The Oprah Winfrey Show than viewing tear-jerker movies like Beaches and Terms of Endearment.
These two dear friends are in Arizona after hours in the car together. Bickering just like any other two people in those circumstances would. What a hoot. Then they pull into a motel that has teepees for rooms. More laughs. The two of them are filling out registration cards at the front desk and the clerk, an older woman, asks where they’re from and they laughingly say “Illinois.” Finally Gayle points to Oprah and asks the woman if she looks like Oprah Winfrey. The woman says yes. Gayle says it is Oprah Winfrey and the woman looks incredulous. She asks if she’s on Candid Camera.
What fabulous TV. They captured the essence of friendship. Provided some laughs. And I imagine it must be wonderful to have the power to make someone’s face light up when they have a flash of recognition. I remember former President H.W. Bush (was it from an article in The New Yorker?) talking about how he loved that about being president — seeing people get excited at the sight of you.
Very uplifting.