I was talking to a spiritually like-minded friend last night about the realization that even those of us who believe we manifest our lives and that there is a Universal Flow are choosing to believe it. Is there one Universal Truth? Hmmmm. All of this wisdom hashed out over a bowl of guacamole and chips. The topic reminded me of a conversation I had with my mother not too long ago.
“I think the world would be a better place if everyone understood that their religion is something they’ve chosen to believe,” I said. She disagreed vehemently. And here I thought this was one of those obvious — OK, maybe even profound — insights.
I have in my life folks who are Catholics, born-again Christians, Protestants of different stripes, Jews and atheists. And I have a bunch of friends and acquaintances who borrow from a little of this and a little of that. Maybe the idea is that we are all finding a way to God and/or spirit (or not) that is right for us. And maybe for some people it’s a Bible and for others it’s a yoga mat.
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who sees how obvious and simple it all is.