Sometimes I just have to marvel at the stuff we collect and save. I’ve been a pretty good purger of stuff lately, so there are few surprises when I do a deep clean.
Which is why today’s find was so much fun. Just cleaned out my bedroom closet (you know I’m serious when the Murphy’s Oil Soap comes out) and found 21 — yes, 21 — vision collages I’ve done since about 1999. Most have been through either teaching or taking The Artist’s Way, which has a collage exercise in it.
The pieces are dominated by reds and pinks, art, flowers, fresh food, inspiring quotes, writing, books, men, fashion, exercise, beaches and travel. Most of the travel refers to Europe, specifically France and Italy. There are lots of funky chairs, eye-popping views and cultural icons like Audrey Hepburn, Madonna, Gloria Steinem and Barbie. What a fun discovery.
Also got a kick out of finding an article and photo from The New Yorker dated 2000. It was about the artist Pipilotti Rist, who I was apparently fascinated by nearly nine years before reveling in her awe-inspiring installation at MOMA earlier this year.
I am nothing if not consistent.