According to the Associated Press:
[Pope] Benedict’s actions have been marked by “transparency, firmness and severity in shedding light on the various cases of sexual abuse committed by priests and clergymen,” the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano said in a front-page article.
It lashed out at what it said was a “prevailing trend in the media” to ignore facts and spread an image of the Catholic Church “as if it were the only one responsible for sexual abuses – an image that does not correspond to reality.”
Sort of like Charles Manson pointing to Ted Bundy and saying, “He murdered people, too.”
Seriously, is that the Vatican PR team’s strategy? Do they really think this is all about quantity and comparison? Newsflash, folks, ONE abused child whose perpetrator was transferred by ONE bishop and ignored by EVERYONE up the line is too many. Did you forget somewhere along the way that you’re a CHURCH?
Yeah, this problem is all about the media.