by Nancy Colasurdo | Sep 24, 2010 | The Universal Flow
Mike Dooley’s daily messages from The Universe always make me smile, but today’s gave me a real chuckle: The tendency to settle upon a cursed how, Nancy, as a means to achieve a particular goal, is simply a sign that you’ve momentarily...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Sep 22, 2010 | Write Thinking
A simple conversation on the beach with a dear friend a few weeks ago prompted me to think about how over-taxed some of the good listeners among us are. Maybe we can do something to change that. Today’s Game Plan: The Lost Art of Listening
by Nancy Colasurdo | Sep 20, 2010 | Write Thinking
Yesterday I walked into a major department store and made a return. Not just any return, but one that had exceeded the strict 30-day return policy by nearly three months. I waited in line for about 10 minutes and when it was my turn, I said simply this to the cashier:...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Sep 17, 2010 | Write Thinking
I had no idea what I was in for when wardrobe consultant Jenn Davis, a.k.a., The Closet Junkie, came to my home to go through my closet and drawers. OMG. It really makes you look at yourself in the mirror, so to speak, when a professional goes through your clothes...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Sep 15, 2010 | Write Thinking
To say I’ve been having a fun Fashion Week is an understatement. I kicked things off with some time in SoHo on Friday, otherwise known as the second annual Fashion’s Night Out. I was psyched to run into Ken (you know, Barbie’s ex), trail celebrity...