Tomorrow’s Game Plan column is my interview with writer/director Charles Evered about his short play called Ten commemorating the 10-year anniversary of September 11. Evered was so engaging the challenge was deciding what to leave out of the piece. Below is one example.
This Evered quote was prompted by our discussion of reality television and a prominent actor’s idea of what his generation is talking about:
There was a time when Arthur Miller wrote about the war between capitalism and the human spirit. There was a time when he wrote about the war machine and personal cost. Or Tennessee Williams wrote plays about finding poetry in your life and the death of dreams. If you see The Glass Menagerie, you can’t see that play without thinking somehow ‘I identify with those themes.’ Edward Albee writes a play, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and it’s not just an argument between lovers or husband and wife, it’s a larger argument on a bigger canvas.
I’m not saying I’m not included in this. I strive as a writer to write meaningful things while still hopefully having a sense of humor. But my point is you can’t tell me there’s nothing to write about these days and I can’t believe what we’re writing about. Or what America is ingesting when there are so many larger themes to be concerned about. One of them being our survival.