It’s been a long time since I wrote here. Part of the reason is the launch of my new blog venture, But there’s more.
I’ve been giving serious thought to what I want to convey here that separates it from Unfettered 50. I love this site. It has been my go-to for years. And earlier this year it became the home of Game Plan (formerly at when I wasn’t quite ready to let it go. I dig the bookshelves and the sections that share who I am as a professional coach.
Which brings me to what’s happening in that area of my life. I’ve been noticing a pattern lately, from clients to friends to casual inquiries — I spend a lot of time helping people tell and even understand their own stories. Here’s what is now written on my revised ‘About’ page:
” … [Nancy] wants you to understand and be able to convey what is compelling about your story. How do your unique experiences and interests make you a standout job candidate, entrepreneur or employer? What is it about your particular background and world view that sets you apart? How do your skills translate to a whole new career path? Nancy will extract your story from you in ways that will make your interviews and correspondence more powerful because you will be more clear about your life narrative.”
This means crystallizing it so that you can slip it into your LinkedIn profile, include pieces of it in your cover letters or have it at the ready when you’re on a job interview.
I didn’t set out to tell stories when I became a coach, but after a decade of working with creative and ambitious clients I have come to realize it is at the heart of the whole operation. And it’s amazing when it all clicks in.
Meanwhile, I am also sharing bits from my own story in weekly posts at A Day Well Lived (Day Brake archived here) and another outlet for storytelling is in the works. Stay tuned for more info on that.
And by all means, if you think I can assist you in bringing clarity to your story, don’t hesitate to reach out.