by Nancy Colasurdo | Aug 6, 2013 | Unfettered 50
Oh, baby, have I been working. And so has an amazing woman named Jeanne Weierheiser. I am so pleased to share that the result of our energetic collaboration is It launches today and it makes me giddy. Regular readers of this space know that since...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 30, 2013 | Unfettered 50, Write Thinking
I recently received a wonderful piece of mail that said this, “Your perspective is unique in the way it resonates and God has put you in this place at this time to change and affect lives.” This reader went on to share a story about his health and he had written to...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 16, 2013 | Unfettered 50, Write Thinking
A few weeks ago I informed my readers here that I’d be writing a new weekly post called Day Brake for A Day Well Lived. The site and newsletter will launch soon, but in the meantime you can find Day Brake on its (public) Facebook page. What I am finding joyful...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 10, 2013 | Unfettered 50
I hate writing about health. I glaze over when people talk about it regularly. I am bored to tears when I’m fixated on my own health issues. I don’t seek out articles about it. I guess you could say when it comes to this topic I learn about things on a need-to-know...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jul 6, 2013 | Unfettered 50, Write Thinking
I’m thrilled to be contributing meaningful content to a new venture called A Day Well Lived. My first piece called “Good Grief” was published on its Facebook page last week and Day Brake posts will continue weekly, eventually on its website and in...
by Nancy Colasurdo | Jun 11, 2013 | Unfettered 50
I recently told a medium that I hate sounding like one of those annoying people whose ship is always coming in, but I feel like I’m on the brink of something. Here’s his response: “Your ship is already in. You need to take the freight off.” As Joey Tribbiani might...